Advancing Health and Human Rights Through Harm Reduction

Annual Report 2022-2023
HRVic- Our Work In Action
CEO Report
One of the issues I have when writing these reports is that there is no way, in this short piece, to do justice to all of the work and all of the team members and volunteers that do that work for and with our community across the year. To get a wider sense of our work I urge you to check out the different program reports across the pages of this, our Annual Report for 2022 – 2023.

President Report
To our valued members,
our community and our stakeholders,
Welcome to Harm Reduction
Victoria’s Annual Report for 2022-
As the contents of this report make clear,
the organisation is thriving in its mission to advance the well-being and dignity of, and social justice for, people who use drugs in Victoria.
Program Reports
Pharmacotherapy Advocacy Mediation
& Support phone service
-Support for Consumers and Providers or ODT ie Methadone, Buprenorphine, Suboxone and Long acting injectable bupe
Harm Reduction Peer Workforce Readiness
Peer Education & Service Workers
Training & Workshops,
'Its Your Right' -BBV Prevention & Education,
D.O.P.E- Overdose Prevention & Response,
Safer Using
Peer advocacy and lobbying
around drug law reform
and community priorities ie. criminalisation, health and wellbeing, stigma and other systemic issues that PWUD face.
Peer to peer -
one day and multi day festival peer care and education and outreach.
Building Operations and Management' Space Hire and event booking.
Partner and stakeholder liason.
Peer led harm reduction resource production and messaging between HRVic and our wider community.
-WHACK magazine, online presence and promotion utilising social media.
HRVic and Friends