Annual Report
The Bad news is- Time flies.
The Good news is- You're the pilot.
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HRVic's Guiding Principles:
HRVic's unique lived and living experience perspective shapes and drives all of our harm reduction initiatives as well as cements our partnerships with other organisations & services and informs our advice and advocacy to governments.
Community Ownership and Accountability:
Harm Reduction Victoria is of and for our community. Through active engagement with our membership and constituent communities, we aim to identify and serve the needs of our community- people who use drugs (PWUD) throughout Victoria.
HRVic respects and aims to represent all people who use drugs in Victoria, regardless of gender, sexuality, age, disability or ethnic group. We prioritise those at greatest risk of drug related harm - in particular people who inject drugs, due to the ongoing risk of blood borne virus transmission.
Partnerships and Collaboration:
In order to respond more effectively to the needs of people who use drugs, Harm Reduction Victoria is committed to pursuing partnerships and strategic alliances with other community sector organisations built on shared goals and trust
“Nothing about us without us”:
Harm Reduction Victoria asserts the right of people who use drugs to have a voice in decisions which directly affect our lives and to be involved in the response to drug use and associated harms in Victoria including drug related policies and programs.
Human Rights:
Harm Reduction Victoria rejects all forms of arbitrary discrimination against people who use drugs. We believe that the stigma associated with drug use undermines human dignity and self-efficacy, and creates barriers to participation in the social, cultural and economic life of the community. We work towards the elimination of these destructive attitudes.
Health Promotion:
Harm Reduction Victoria is a health promotion organisation. We are guided by a belief that drug related harm should be treated as a health issue and not a criminal issue. Our aim is to advance the health and wellbeing of people who use drugs by creating an environment in which individuals are empowered to realise their aspirations, meet their needs and participate fully in society.
Harm Reduction Victoria strives to be a model employer, to be accountable to our members and constituent communities for all of our actions, and to achieve optimal outcomes at all times.