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Reducing Harmful Drug Use Through Peer Led Networks and the Fuse Initiative

For the past 4 years, Harm Reduction Victoria and the Association of Participating Service Users have worked in partnership to support harm reduction peer workers (HRPW)who are working in mainstream harm reduction services. This crucial project will help the sector align themselves with effective peer worker engagement.  The partnership will continue to support, mentor, and build on the skills of HRPW’s funded through Reducing Harmful Drug Use Through Peer-led Network (RHDUPLN). We have secure funding to build this living experience workforce that has now become Fuse Initiatives.

The primary aims that will continue:

  • Provide a support function for Harm Reduction Peer Workers (HRPW)

  • Coordinate, convene and co-chair the Peer Led Network Trial Steering Committee

  • Coordinate a Peer Workforce strategic approach across Victoria 

  • Engage with all stakeholders and enhance their understanding of the term ‘meaningful involvement of people who use drugs’

“Celebrating the value of peers in harm reduction” Forum

The forum was a great success. Specifically for workers in harm reduction who identify as peers, their management teams, including HRVic & APSU’s staff and management and key people at the Department of Health (DoH). This was an opportunity to showcase all work from the projects funded by Reducing Harmful Drug Use Through Peer-led Networks."

Consultation 2020

As Victoria’s Peer and Service User led organisations, HRVic and APSU practice the meaningful involvement of our community in feedback and reporting.  This was an opportunity to gauge the level of support they received through to understanding how their day-to-day work is done.

The opportunity to have honest dialogue with identified peers was a key benefit to having these consultations led by peer organisations.

Current Deliverables

  • Partner with DHHS to coordinate the PLN Trial Steering Committee

  • Deliver support interventions to the Harm Reduction Peer Workforce

  • Build the capacity & confidence of the Victorian Harm Reduction Peer Workforce to support and advocate for their own network and program 

  • Utilise the Evaluation Framework Report to guide the project

  • Develop the Harm Reduction peer workforce strategically

  • Develop strategic documents and frameworks to guide this work  

Support Interventions

  • Total numbers of HRPWs in designated peer roles seeking support: 7

  • Total number of HRPWs in non-designated roles, seeking support: 2

Moving forward:

The Lived and Living experience peer workforce is growing in stature and the Fuse Network is recognised as a crucial support and strategic partner for the sector. We co-chair, with the Dept of Health and APSU, the Lived and Living Experience Workforce Advisory Group (LLEWAG) which meets monthly and is a part of stewarding the Mental Health Royal Commission recommendations through into reality. This is an exciting and changing space and it is great that HRVic’s more than 30 years of experience in the peer work is being utilised.


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